Imaging 0.26.2 released!

My Vampyre Imaging Library was updated to version 0.26.2 few days ago. This was mostly fix/patch/update release with no significant new features.

I decided to remove Kylix support (CLX graphic classes, project files, build scripts, core library still compiles). It's not working properly on many (all?) current Linux distros (so I can't test) and it was abandoned by Borland/Codegear quite some time ago. It was nice to have DCC compiler in Linux and it also made Borland to make Delphi RTL crossplatform. There are rumors about crosscompiling features in upcoming Delphi releases (in 2010?)  so maybe we'll see DCC in Linux again.

Instead of Kylix project files there are new ones for Delphi 2009. Imaging itself didn't require many fixes to compile and work with Delphi 2009,  most of them were related to text-based file format loaders (XMP, PNM) and external libraries (JpegLib, ZLib).

More info and downloads at Imaging's homepage.

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