All Downloads

There are 14 files, weighing 162.7 MiB with 146,440 hits in total.

Displaying 1 to 14 of 14 files.


  Earth Under Fire
» 6.4 MiB - 1,348 hits - July 13, 2009
Earth Under Fire latest beta version (Beta2 0.80, 19th June 2007).


  DeskewGui v0.90
» 4.1 MiB - 6,079 hits - March 18, 2019
GUI frontend for Deskew command line tool. Prebuilt binaries for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Windows and Linux versions need Deskew command line tool binaries.

  Multilevel Geomipmapping
» 92.1 MiB - 97,639 hits - May 5, 2014
Terrain renderer using OpenGL. Includes Object Pascal source code, binaries, and test data.

  glTerrainJava for Desktop v0.30
» 15.3 MiB - 3,226 hits - July 4, 2013
Desktop version of Java terrain rendering demo.

  PhotoMixer 0.8beta
» 1.4 MiB - 654 hits - December 4, 2011
Tool for sorting photos from different sources by date. Single EXE, Windows only.

  Deskew v1.30
» 4.3 MiB - 20,288 hits - June 19, 2019
Command line tool for deskewing scanned documents. Binaries for several platforms, test images, and Object Pascal source code included.

  PasJpeg2000 v1.00
» 2.0 MiB - 4,366 hits - July 7, 2009
JPEG 2000 for Pascal library. Crossplatform JPEG 2000 image file format support for Delphi and FPC.

  Domains of Chaos
» 3.2 MiB - 768 hits - July 13, 2009
Latest version of Domains of Chaos (alpha 0.60, 3rd June 2007).

  Daggerfall Player
» 469.7 KiB - 1,887 hits - July 7, 2009
The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall image and texture viewer and converter.

  JPEG Ripper
» 393.0 KiB - 1,976 hits - July 13, 2009
Tool for ripping JPEG images from various large files.

» 2.6 MiB - 788 hits - July 13, 2009
Simple IDE for FPC/Delphi with source code.

  Drake Rider
» 1.3 MiB - 1,318 hits - July 13, 2009
Fantasy scrolling shooter game.

» 28.8 MiB - 5,289 hits - July 13, 2009
Pascal implementation of SOAR terrain rendering algorithm using OpenGL. Source code, test terrains, and binaries for Windows and Linux included.

» 366.7 KiB - 814 hits - July 13, 2009
DirectMusic based MIDI player unit in Object Pascal and VCL example application.


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