Earth Under Fire

Earth Under Fire is single player space shooter game. Originally created as entry for PGD Big Boss Competition 2006. It ended up on the third place. Since then it has been upgraded several times but it is not yet finished.

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  Earth Under Fire
» 6.4 MiB - 1,348 hits - July 13, 2009
Earth Under Fire latest beta version (Beta2 0.80, 19th June 2007).

System requirements: some decent OpenGL compatible graphics card and 1GHz+ CPU.


  • Your allies during mission
  • Mission briefing
  • Mission editor
  • Mission near Jupiter
  • Sunslayer frigate - player ship in later missions

Project Info

You can find useful information about game HUD and space objects in Help Screens acessible from main menu of the game.

To change game configuration run Settings.exe.
To edit missions or create new run Editor.exe.

Game is written in ObjectPascal and uses SDL, OpenGL, BASS, and my Vampyre Imaging Library.

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