Vampyre Imaging Library

Vampyre Imaging Library is a free cross-platform native Object Pascal (Delphi and Free Pascal) image loading, saving, and manipulation library.

Visit Vampyre Imaging Library Homepage.

5 thoughts on “Vampyre Imaging Library

  1. Hi,

    The Vampyre Imaging Library is great. I have one request. I would like to APPEND a TIFF image to a multipage TIFF file rather than load all the images into a MultiImage and then save to file. Is this possible?

    • Hi, this shouldn’t be hard, added to my todo list 🙂
      Probably there will be some TIFF specific option that will switch TIFF writer’s mode between overwrite and append.

  2. Hi!
    Thank you for the great library!

    When compiling newest version from Mercurial with Delphi 7 or XE an error occured in ImagingUtility.pas file at line 1548:
    FloatFormatSettings := GetLocaleFormatSettings(1033, FloatFormatSettings);
    Seems that there should be:
    GetLocaleFormatSettings(1033, FloatFormatSettings);

    as GetLocaleFormatSettings() is a procedure, not a function.

  3. Hi

    Do You plan to support tiff format for 64 bit Delphi XE2 (and above) projects ?
    Unfortunately compilator derective:
    {$L Compiled\*.obj}
    is not runining in x64 applications beceuse linked OBJ files aren’t compiled in 64 environment.

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