CreateGLTextureFromMultiImage Function

Converts images in TDymImageDataArray to one OpenGL texture.

function CreateGLTextureFromMultiImage(const Images: TDynImageDataArray; 
                                       Width: LongInt = 0; 
                                       Height: LongInt = 0; 
                                       MipMaps: Boolean = True; 
                                       MainLevelIndex: LongInt = 0; 
                                       OverrideFormat: TImageFormat = ifUnknown; 
                                       CreatedWidth: PLongInt = nil; 
                                       CreatedHeight: PLongInt = nil): GLuint;

ImagingOpenGL (at line 132)


Image at index MainLevelIndex in the array is used as main mipmap level and additional images are used as subsequent levels. If there is not enough images in array missing levels are automatically generated (and if there is enough images but they have wrong dimensions or format then they are resized/converted). If driver supports only power of two sized textures images are resized. OverrideFormat can be used to convert image into specific format before it is passed to OpenGL, ifUnknown means no conversion. If desired texture format is not supported by hardware default A8R8G8B8 format is used instead for color images and ifGray8 is used for luminance images. DXTC (S3TC) compressed and floating point textures are created if supported by hardware. Width and Height can be used to set size of main mipmap level according to your needs, Width and Height of 0 mean use width and height of input image that will become main level mipmap. MipMaps set to True mean build all possible levels, False means use only level 0. You can use CreatedWidth and CreatedHeight parameters to query dimensions of created texture's largest mipmap level (it could differ from dimensions of source image).

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