TImageFormat Enumeration

Enum defining image data format.

public TImageFormat = (0 ifUnknown, 1 ifDefault, 10 ifIndex8, 40 ifGray8, 41 ifA8Gray8, 42 ifGray16, 43 ifGray32, 44 ifGray64, 45 ifA16Gray16, 80 ifX5R1G1B1, 81 ifR3G3B2, 82 ifR5G6B5, 83 ifA1R5G5B5, 84 ifA4R4G4B4, 85 ifX1R5G5B5, 86 ifX4R4G4B4, 87 ifR8G8B8, 88 ifA8R8G8B8, 89 ifX8R8G8B8, 90 ifR16G16B16, 91 ifA16R16G16B16, 92 ifB16G16R16, 93 ifA16B16G16R16, 170 ifR32F, 171 ifA32R32G32B32F, 172 ifA32B32G32R32F, 173 ifR16F, 174 ifA16R16G16B16F, 175 ifA16B16G16R16F, 220 ifDXT1, 221 ifDXT3, 222 ifDXT5, 223 ifBTC, 224 ifATI1N, 225 ifATI2N);

ImagingTypes (at line 201)

10 ifIndex8 
Indexed formats using palette. 
40 ifGray8 
Grayscale/Luminance formats. 
80 ifX5R1G1B1 
ARGB formats. 
170 ifR32F 
Floating point formats. 
220 ifDXT1 
Special formats. 

In formats with more channels, first channel after "if" is stored in the most significant bits and channel before end is stored in the least significant.

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