Class for loading of BSI format textures and images found in Redguard and BattleSpire (maybe in other games too, Skynet?).
public TBSIFileFormat = class(TElderFileFormat);
ElderImageryBsi (at line 52)
This format uses chunk structure similar to PNG (HDR/DAT/END). Redguard stores multiple images in one file (usually related like textures for various parts of single 3d object). Image data is stored as 8bit. Each image can have its own embedded palette or it can use external default palette. BattleSpire BSI use *.bsi file extension whilst Redguard uses texbsi.* mask with number extension (just like Daggerfall). Only loading is supported for this format. BattleSpire images also contain some sort of 8bit->16bit color mapping data which I've not yet figured out (only blue channel known).
TObject TImageFileFormat TElderFileFormat TBSIFileFormat