StretchNearest Function

Stretches rectangle in source image to rectangle in destination image using nearest neighbor filtering.

procedure StretchNearest(const SrcImage: TImageData; 
                         SrcX: LongInt; 
                         SrcY: LongInt; 
                         SrcWidth: LongInt; 
                         SrcHeight: LongInt; 
                         var DstImage: TImageData; 
                         DstX: LongInt; 
                         DstY: LongInt; 
                         DstWidth: LongInt; 
                         DstHeight: LongInt);

ImagingFormats (at line 70)


It is fast but results look blocky because there is no interpolation used. SrcImage and DstImage must be in the same data format. Works for all data formats except special formats.

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