Converts TImageData structure to IDirect3DTexture9 texture.
function CreateD3DTextureFromImage(const Image: TImageData; Device: IDirect3DDevice9; var Texture: IDirect3DTexture9; Width: LongInt = 0; Height: LongInt = 0; MipLevels: LongInt = 0; Usage: LongWord = 0; Format: TD3DFormat = D3DFMT_UNKNOWN; Pool: TD3DPool = D3DPOOL_MANAGED; CreatedWidth: PLongInt = nil; CreatedHeight: PLongInt = nil): Boolean;
ImagingDirect3D9 (at line 96)
Input images is used as main mipmap level and additional requested levels are generated from this one. For the details on parameters look at CreateD3DTextureFromMultiImage function.