To display 32bit images in last version of unDelphiX, use :
All work fine with that, except memory.
I tried to switch to Andorra 2D, since I read that it's not very difficult to transfer a project written for DelphiX to Andorra2D, but I found some unexplained parts there, asked the maintainer and got some answers but not all, so I started transferring my project, done almost half work and now I am stack.
With the code you sent, OK I can transform to DIB32 but the old DelphiX I use cannot handle alpha channels in DIB32. Only latest unDelphiX can, but this has the memory problems.
Also, the maintainer of unDelphiX has written a tool "PNG2DIB" that does exactly this. But as things are not, with that memory problem, I see no usage to do that.
I would like to have a quick solution for that problem I have now (displaying of DDS or PNG images) but of course if this is not possible I have to start using to other library.
But I would like the new library to :
- have very good support
- very good documentation and examples
- be able to do modern projects
Do you have any suggestions ?
Code Select
form1.DXImageList1.Items.Find('image1dib').Draw(form1.DXDraw1.Surface, tmpx, 100, 0);
All work fine with that, except memory.
I tried to switch to Andorra 2D, since I read that it's not very difficult to transfer a project written for DelphiX to Andorra2D, but I found some unexplained parts there, asked the maintainer and got some answers but not all, so I started transferring my project, done almost half work and now I am stack.
With the code you sent, OK I can transform to DIB32 but the old DelphiX I use cannot handle alpha channels in DIB32. Only latest unDelphiX can, but this has the memory problems.
Also, the maintainer of unDelphiX has written a tool "PNG2DIB" that does exactly this. But as things are not, with that memory problem, I see no usage to do that.
I would like to have a quick solution for that problem I have now (displaying of DDS or PNG images) but of course if this is not possible I have to start using to other library.
But I would like the new library to :
- have very good support
- very good documentation and examples
- be able to do modern projects
Do you have any suggestions ?