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18 February 2025, 23:42:12

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Messages - yapt

Help & Questions / Re: Resize image to a size limit
10 February 2009, 16:23:47
Sorry my delay Galfar....

The format to save my images maybe jpeg, but at last I would like to lookup a way to save the images on the original format (I am saving all of them on SQLite fields).

I will try this code in a few days (perhaps the weekend).

Thanks a lot for your answer and sorry my delay again...

Help & Questions / Resize image to a size limit
1 February 2009, 15:00:27

I am new to Vampyre Imaging library, I only want use imaging library to save an image to a sqlite database.  Then sqlite has a maximum size for the database image column.

I would like to know if I have any function to reduce (maintaining aspect ratio) the image memory size to any value I can specify.  I have read Resize and ResizeImage functions.  But both of them need an aspect limits (width or height).  But I would like to reduce any image to a 1Mb (ie) memory size.

Any clue about this ?
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