Thank you for your detailed reply. The most important thing is that it is not hopeless nor impossible to be done in FPC, but it would be much easier if we could know more precisely if we have enough memory available for loading a certain image, or how to estimate the tiles' dimension.
I observed memory consumption in Windows Task manager of applications using Imaging. Out of memory exception occurred sometimes even at 600MB of the application's memory consumption, and on the other side, even above 1,2 GB would not raise the exception. What would you suggest, how to cope with this memory consumption issues?
Thank you anyway for this really amazing library and keep up in further improving it.
I observed memory consumption in Windows Task manager of applications using Imaging. Out of memory exception occurred sometimes even at 600MB of the application's memory consumption, and on the other side, even above 1,2 GB would not raise the exception. What would you suggest, how to cope with this memory consumption issues?
Thank you anyway for this really amazing library and keep up in further improving it.