I need a way to transfer the alpha channel to a selection when loaded in Photoshop. I am saving a ifA16R16G16B16 formated multiimage to PSD-file. When i then open it in Photoshop, i can make a : Select -> Load selection -> channel: transparency layer - to convert then alpha channel to selection.
But my image is still with transparency, and i dont know a way around that in photoshop, so i am wondering if there could be a way to save PSD file with multiple layers (eventually 8bit) that then can be converted seperately to selections ?
Unfortunately, I don't have a PhotoShop currently to test it.
Maybe you could try turning off ImagingPSDSaveAsLayer option.
That would save whole image with alpha as RGBA background raster,
maybe the alpha selection will work and there could be a way to turn
the raster to RGB only and losing the original transparency in the process.
Working with PSD layers is long planned feature but there's a lot of these and only a little time.