Vampyre Imaging Library Forum

Imaging Category => Help & Questions => Topic started by: Brent on 26 July 2012, 19:01:46

Title: buildextdemosdelphi: Can't compile for Delphi2010
Post by: Brent on 26 July 2012, 19:01:46
When running buildtextdemosdelphi.bat for Delphi 2010, I'm getting compiler errors related to Unicode widestrings in 2010:

D:\Programs\Programming\Comp\Vampyre_Imaging\Demos\ObjectPascal\SDLDemo\SDLDemo.dpr(137) Error: E2033 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical
D:\Programs\Programming\Comp\Vampyre_Imaging\Demos\ObjectPascal\SDLDemo\SDLDemo.dpr(211) Error: E2010 Incompatible types: 'AnsiChar' and 'Char'
D:\Programs\Programming\Comp\Vampyre_Imaging\Demos\ObjectPascal\SDLDemo\SDLDemo.dpr(276) Error: E2010 Incompatible types: 'AnsiChar' and 'Char'
Error when building SDLDemo\SDLDemo.dpr

Can this be fixed?
Title: Re: buildextdemosdelphi: Can't compile for Delphi2010
Post by: Brent on 26 July 2012, 22:03:17
I had downloaded Imaging from which was the 0.26.4 version which only went up to Delphi 2007(?). So I just downloaded the "Current Working Version" from the link on the Vampyre home page:

1) I noticed the scripts to BuildLibraryDelphi.bat no longer work because there are no *.dpr files in the source directory. It looks like it has been moved to ..\Extras\DynamicLib.

2) There are no more package files except for :

3) There is no %ROOTDIR%\Bin directory

So are there any updated instructions on how to compile and install the "Current Working Version" for Delphi 2010?

Title: Re: buildextdemosdelphi: Can't compile for Delphi2010
Post by: Galfar on 13 September 2012, 14:47:37
The batch scripts are being deprecated and will be removed.
There should be project files for Delphi and Lazarus for all libs/packages/demos now.

For Delphi, use *.dpr/*.dpk project files for Delphi version up to XE,
and *.XE2.dproj project files for Delphi XE2+.

SDL demo: compatible SDL headers are now included directly with Imaging demos.