When running buildtextdemosdelphi.bat for Delphi 2010, I'm getting compiler errors related to Unicode widestrings in 2010:
D:\Programs\Programming\Comp\Vampyre_Imaging\Demos\ObjectPascal\SDLDemo\SDLDemo.dpr(137) Error: E2033 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical
D:\Programs\Programming\Comp\Vampyre_Imaging\Demos\ObjectPascal\SDLDemo\SDLDemo.dpr(211) Error: E2010 Incompatible types: 'AnsiChar' and 'Char'
D:\Programs\Programming\Comp\Vampyre_Imaging\Demos\ObjectPascal\SDLDemo\SDLDemo.dpr(276) Error: E2010 Incompatible types: 'AnsiChar' and 'Char'
Error when building SDLDemo\SDLDemo.dpr
Can this be fixed?
I had downloaded Imaging from http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/imaginglib/imaginglib0264.zip?download which was the 0.26.4 version which only went up to Delphi 2007(?). So I just downloaded the "Current Working Version" from the link on the Vampyre home page: http://imaginglib.hg.sourceforge.net/hgweb/imaginglib/imaginglib/archive/tip.zip.
1) I noticed the scripts to BuildLibraryDelphi.bat no longer work because there are no *.dpr files in the source directory. It looks like it has been moved to ..\Extras\DynamicLib.
2) There are no more package files except for :
3) There is no %ROOTDIR%\Bin directory
So are there any updated instructions on how to compile and install the "Current Working Version" for Delphi 2010?
The batch scripts are being deprecated and will be removed.
There should be project files for Delphi and Lazarus for all libs/packages/demos now.
For Delphi, use *.dpr/*.dpk project files for Delphi version up to XE,
and *.XE2.dproj project files for Delphi XE2+.
SDL demo: compatible SDL headers are now included directly with Imaging demos.