Vampyre Imaging Library Forum

Imaging Category => Help & Questions => Topic started by: shamballa on 1 August 2011, 15:34:13

Title: Cannot Download from SVN
Post by: shamballa on 1 August 2011, 15:34:13

I am trying to download the latest version from the SVN as I see that a Graphics32 interface has been added which I really need, however when trying to checkout with TortoiseSVN using: An Error is returned: Repository moved temporally to '/viewvc/imaginglib/trunk/'; please relocate
Title: Re: Cannot Download from SVN
Post by: shamballa on 1 August 2011, 16:44:25
Solved it... I was adding it with the browser view (viewvc) instead of svnroot lol
Title: Re: Cannot Download from SVN
Post by: Galfar on 1 August 2011, 18:22:20
Ok great.
Let me know if there are any more Imaging <=> Graphics32 interactions you may need
that are not supported by the current interface.
Title: Re: Cannot Download from SVN
Post by: shamballa on 1 August 2011, 19:10:50

Thank you for your reply.

I have installed the latest SVN release but which unit should I be using for interfacing with the TImage32 of Graphics32?

What I am doing is painting a QR Code onto the Bitmaps Canvas but was having alot of problems trying to save it as a png keeping the transparency. I am setting the OuterColor to clWhite32 which is transparent while displayed in the control but when saved it is the opposite way around, the black is transparent and the white is not! This was done from a function using TPortableNetworkGraphic32

I then remembered your library which I have used once before for saving in png and a few other formats - I just don't know how I should reference the TImage32 as I can only get TBitmap in the ConvertBitmapToImage function.

Thanks for your time and your earlier reply.

Title: Re: Cannot Download from SVN
Post by: shamballa on 1 August 2011, 22:08:23
I have tried adding the unit: ImagingExtras and even directly ImagingGraphics32 but the function ConvertBitmap32ToImage is not available. Delphi can see the unit ImagingExtras but not ImagingGraphics32. I have removed all old paths and added all the correct paths.
Title: Re: Cannot Download from SVN
Post by: Galfar on 2 August 2011, 17:25:53
You don't need ImagingExtras  for Graphics32 interface, that's only for auto-include of extra file format handlers. Adding ImagingGraphics32 should be enough. Maybe try putting it into Source directory directly and see if it will be found by Delphi there.
Title: Re: Cannot Download from SVN
Post by: shamballa on 3 August 2011, 17:25:15

Thank you - I have done that and now it is found.

I have tried to set the OuterColor to a known pixel but as this is a QRCode which will change I have not had much luck in that either
bmp.OuterColor := image.Bitmap.Pixel[0,?];

Here is my repainting code:

Code (delphi) Select
procedure TForm1.Button8Click(Sender: TObject); // Paint the barcode
  bmp: TBitmap32;
  Coords: TRect;
bmp := TBitmap32.Create;
bmp.SetSize(image.Width, image.Height);
bmp.Canvas.Brush.Color := color;
bmp.Canvas.Rectangle(-1, -1, image.Width+2, image.Height+2);

bmp.DrawMode := dmTransparent;
bmp.OuterColor := $F0F0F0;
// bmp.OuterColor := image.Bitmap.Pixel[0,0];

// make Coords the size of image
Coords := Rect(0,0,image.Width,image.Height);

// psBarcodeComponent1.Options := [boTransparent];
psBarcodeComponent1.PaintBarCode(bmp.Canvas, Coords);

If I save as gif then there is no transparency and in png everything is transparent but shows as a black thumbnail. What am I doing wrong in the code above? It must be something I am missing or doing completely wrong.
Title: Re: Cannot Download from SVN
Post by: shamballa on 5 August 2011, 15:45:39
This issue is now solved. I asked on Stack Overflow as it was more to do with Graphics32 than your library.

For anyone else interested the solution was:

Code (delphi) Select
function IsWhite(Color32: TColor32): Boolean;
    Result:= (TColor32Entry(Color32).B = 255) and
             (TColor32Entry(Color32).G = 255) and
             (TColor32Entry(Color32).R = 255);

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
  with Image321 do
    for Y := 0 to Bitmap.Height-1 do
      for X := 0 to Bitmap.Width-1 do
        if IsWhite(Bitmap.Pixel[X, Y]) then
    Png:= TPortableNetworkGraphic32.Create;