Vampyre Imaging Library Forum

Imaging Category => Help & Questions => Topic started by: jus on 11 June 2011, 01:13:21

Title: How to read TIFF tags in Lazarus with Vampyre lib
Post by: jus on 11 June 2011, 01:13:21

  I used the function "TIFFGetField" located in Imaging/Extras/Extensions/LibTiff/LibTiffDelphi.pas from vampyre in Delphi to extract the embedded ICC profile (TIFFTAG_ICCPROFILE). Now I'm trying to port the app to Mac OSX with Lazarus and the vampyre lib. As I understand vampyre uses for Lazarus the LCL functions. So how can I read the TIFF-tag?   :-[


Title: Re: How to read TIFF tags in Lazarus with Vampyre lib
Post by: jus on 15 June 2011, 00:23:31
I have figured out a solution, which is sufficient for me.
First of all I loaded with fink a compiled binary libtiff library, which has the file "libtiff.dylib" included.
Then just load "libiff.dylib" as a external dynamic library into lazarus e.g. like the following code:
pointer(TIFFOpen) := GetProcedureAddress(LibTiffHandle, 'TIFFOpen');
pointer(TIFFGetField) := GetProcedureAddress(LibTiffHandle, 'TIFFGetField');
pointer(TIFFClose) := GetProcedureAddress(LibTiffHandle, 'TIFFClose');

That's it.
