Vampyre Imaging Library Forum

Imaging Category => Help & Questions => Topic started by: paddington on 2 January 2011, 11:14:26

Title: TreeView ImageList not work
Post by: paddington on 2 January 2011, 11:14:26
Hi, when I add images using ImageList Editor they do not show on my TreeView, in Lasarus.
Also, Going back into the editor, only the first image remains, even after using save all. 
Do I need to notify Lazarus of the file name I chose?
Many thanks
Title: Re: TreeView ImageList not work
Post by: paddington on 2 January 2011, 11:16:02
PS: I did have it all working in Delphi
Title: Re: TreeView ImageList not work
Post by: lyndontravis on 7 January 2011, 22:13:37
I got the same issue. Any help would be much appreciated.
Title: Re: TreeView ImageList not work
Post by: Galfar on 8 January 2011, 19:37:33
Try asking in Lazarus forum (
I'm using it only for Imaging demos - very rarely.