Vampyre Imaging Library Forum

Imaging Category => Help & Questions => Topic started by: skar on 13 October 2010, 17:38:12

Title: multi channels
Post by: skar on 13 October 2010, 17:38:12
is it possible to open and get the name of more of 4 channel? thanks
Title: Re: multi channels
Post by: Galfar on 14 October 2010, 21:17:20
Unfortunately no data formats with 5+ channels are supported in Imaging 0.xx
What file format are you interested in?
Title: Re: multi channels
Post by: skar on 18 November 2010, 14:26:10
.PSD File.

Title: Re: multi channels
Post by: Galfar on 29 November 2010, 03:18:17
Do you really mean channels?
Or layers?
Title: Re: multi channels
Post by: skar on 7 December 2010, 09:26:27
channel and if is possible Layer. ;D
Title: Re: multi channels
Post by: gintasdx on 17 June 2012, 20:30:35
I wonder the same. Is there any chance to save a PSD with 3 layers?
Title: Re: multi channels
Post by: Galfar on 25 June 2012, 02:08:33
Sorry, PSD layers are not supported as of now.
What layer information apart from raw pixels would you like to save?