Vampyre Imaging Library Forum

Imaging Category => Help & Questions => Topic started by: CoolCoder on 25 May 2010, 17:05:23

Title: DelphiX and simple image copy
Post by: CoolCoder on 25 May 2010, 17:05:23

I have a surface, I draw some graphics on the surface by using FillRect and sort of stuff. How can I "copy" a piece of the surface and store that into an item in my DXImageList ? I know how to create the imagelist item, but I don't know how to copy.

DXImageList.Item[DXImageList.Item.Count-1].Picture (and so forth..)

But how can I copy a rectangular chunk off the surface and store it into the dximagelist item that I just created? Preferably in the fastest possible way. I have pixels set with alphachannel in the surface, can I store the alphachannel too?
Title: Re: DelphiX and simple image copy
Post by: Galfar on 16 June 2010, 14:45:37
Sorry but this is not a DelphiX forum, try one of those. Or maybe some member here knows DelphiX well?