Vampyre Imaging Library Forum

Imaging Category => Help & Questions => Topic started by: davem on 19 April 2010, 21:37:22

Title: Quality of resizing
Post by: davem on 19 April 2010, 21:37:22
  first of all thanks for the great library!!

  However I got a problem resizing images because I always get rectangles in areas with the same or very similar color (such as the sky, wall etc). The rest of image (for example faces) are perfect. I used bicubic filter, I also tried to change the hardcoded value in the following code (in Imaging.pas, line 2334) to use other filters (sfGaussian, sfLanczos, sfMitchell) but the only difference was that the size of the rectangles has changed a little.

        rfBicubic: StretchResample(WorkImage, SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight,
          DstImage, DstX, DstY, DstWidth, DstHeight, sfCatmullRom);

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? I used to use the attached unit in the previous versions of my program and that one produces much better results (you can compare, all attached).

Source: JPEG (from a camera)
Resolution: 13 MPix

The original picture is too large so you can get it from here: (

  Please help!

   Thanks, David
Title: Re: Quality of resizing
Post by: davem on 20 April 2010, 11:33:47
I ask, I answer. I like this forum.  :-)

Anyway, I found a problem in function StretchResample (ImagingFormats.pas). This function rounds the Weights which speeds up the process a bit but produces the ugly rectangles in the result. I tried to modify the function and it seems the result is much better now. Please consider implementing this into the next version of the library. Changed lines are marked with "DMA".

var  IWeightR, IAccumAR, IAccumRR, IAccumGR, IAccumBR : single;
      for J := 0 to DstHeight - 1 do
        ClusterY := MapY[J];
        for X := XMinimum to XMaximum do
          IAccumAR := 0.0;    // DMA
          IAccumRR := 0.0;    // DMA
          IAccumGR := 0.0;    // DMA
          IAccumBR := 0.0;    // DMA
          for Y := 0 to Length(ClusterY) - 1 do
            // IWeight := Round(256 * ClusterY[Y].Weight);  // DMA - do not use
            IWeightR:= 256*ClusterY[Y].Weight;      // DMA, remove rounding
              @PByteArray(SrcImage.Bits)[(ClusterY[Y].Pos * SrcImage.Width + X) * Info.BytesPerPixel],
              @SrcColor, Info.BytesPerPixel);

            IAccumBR := IAccumBR + SrcColor.B * IWeightR;   // DMA, use single instead of integer
            IAccumGR := IAccumGR + SrcColor.G * IWeightR;   // DMA, use single instead of integer
            IAccumRR := IAccumRR + SrcColor.R * IWeightR;   // DMA, use single instead of integer
            IAccumAR := IAccumAR + SrcColor.A * IWeightR;   // DMA, use single instead of integer
          with LineBufferInt[X - XMinimum] do
            A := round(IAccumAR); // DMA, round single
            R := round (IAccumRR);// DMA, round single
            G := round (IAccumGR);// DMA, round single
            B := round (IAccumBR);// DMA, round single

        DstLine := @PByteArray(DstImage.Bits)[((J + DstY) * DstImage.Width + DstX)* Info.BytesPerPixel];

        for I := 0 to DstWidth - 1 do
          ClusterX := MapX[I];
          IAccumAR := 0.0;    // DMA, use single
          IAccumRR := 0.0;    // DMA, use single
          IAccumGR := 0.0;    // DMA, use single
          IAccumBR := 0.0;    // DMA, use single
          for X := 0 to Length(ClusterX) - 1 do
            // IWeight := Round(256 * ClusterX[X].Weight);  // DMA - do not use anymore
            IWeightR:= 256*ClusterX[X].Weight;      // DMA, use single, do not round
            with LineBufferInt[ClusterX[X].Pos - XMinimum] do
              IAccumBR := IAccumBR + B * IWeightR;    // DMA
              IAccumGR := IAccumGR + G * IWeightR;    // DMA
              IAccumRR := IAccumRR + R * IWeightR;    // DMA
              IAccumAR := IAccumAR + A * IWeightR;    // DMA

          SrcColor.B := ClampInt(round(IAccumBR), 0, $00FF0000) shr 16; // DMA, added round on single
          SrcColor.G := ClampInt(round(IAccumGR), 0, $00FF0000) shr 16; // DMA, added round on single
          SrcColor.R := ClampInt(round(IAccumRR), 0, $00FF0000) shr 16; // DMA, added round on single
          SrcColor.A := ClampInt(round(IAccumAR), 0, $00FF0000) shr 16; // DMA, added round on single

          CopyPixel(@SrcColor, DstLine, Info.BytesPerPixel);
          Inc(DstLine, Info.BytesPerPixel);

By the way, it seems that the whole problem is in the "optimized" version, the "not optimized one" seems to work well.
Title: Re: Quality of resizing
Post by: Galfar on 20 April 2010, 16:06:48
Thanks for locating the problem. I probably remove the "optimized" code path altogether, that's not the first problem with it and it's only marginally faster anyway.
Title: Re: Quality of resizing
Post by: davem on 20 April 2010, 16:11:25
Quote from: Galfar on 20 April 2010, 16:06:48
Thanks for locating the problem. I probably remove the "optimized" code path altogether, that's not the first problem with it and it's only marginally faster anyway.

I agree, the difference is very small. That's actually the same what I did in the end.