Vampyre Imaging Library Forum

Imaging Category => Bugs And Other Insects => Topic started by: cocopascal on 20 February 2010, 15:48:16

Title: Explorer shows incorrect file size for jng file.
Post by: cocopascal on 20 February 2010, 15:48:16
WinXP SP3, Lazarus 9.28.2, Vampyre 26.4
With demo LCLImager I converted a jpg file to A8R8G8B8 format and saved it as jng file. Windows explorer shows an incorrect file size of 0 KB (whereas file properties show the correct file size).

Title: Re: Explorer shows incorrect file size for jng file.
Post by: Galfar on 20 February 2010, 19:43:37
Can that JNG file be successfully opened back by LCL imager? If yes it's probably just some explorer error. How big is that file in bytes?
Title: Re: Explorer shows incorrect file size for jng file.
Post by: cocopascal on 1 April 2010, 13:09:12
Yes, it can be opened. After refresing the list the correct filisize is shown. Files are appr. 500 KB.