Good day!
At first excuse me my English - it is not my native language, so I can make different mistakes.
At second tell me please, how I can use VampyreImaging library in Visual C++ 6.0 or Borland C++Builder 6.0 SP4.
I have read documentation but have understood nothing. I need to use this libary in the way of LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress. Please give your advices.
Have you looked at the C/C++ demos that come with Imaging? Well, that is not much about C/C++ usage in th documentation.
Well, displaying images is not really one of Imaging's intended features. There are functions that allow you to display images but they are only usable when directly using Pascal sources (they mostly use Delphi/Lazarus specific stuff). There are also functions that convert images to SDL/Direct3D/OpenGL textures which can later be displayed.
So the question is what does your C++ program use for displaying other stuff (like application window itself)? Do you use WinAPI, gtk, SDL, or what? Imaging gives you raw image pixels and cannot just display them somewhere on the monitor, that is a work for APIs/toolkits mentioned earlier. If you just write what do you use I can give you some hints how to do that.