Vampyre Imaging Library Forum

Imaging Category => Help & Questions => Topic started by: CitizenBBN on 20 July 2009, 23:41:53

Title: Installing on D2009?
Post by: CitizenBBN on 20 July 2009, 23:41:53
I've tried installing the packages for D2009 and they say they are installed and show up in the package list, but there are no components that get installed, even checking from the package list.

Probably a dumb question, but am I missing something?  From reading the documentation it sounds like there are some components that should show up.

Title: Re: Installing on D2009?
Post by: Galfar on 22 July 2009, 03:17:10
There are no components installed in IDE with Imaging, just new file formats for TPicture. Easiest way to check is to drop TImage on form and try to load it's picture - new file formats should appear in open picture dialog.