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Posted by Galfar
 - 15 April 2009, 02:56:55
If you use TCanvas for text output and want transparent text, you must set background mode to transparent. Using WinAPI function would look like this SetBkMode(Canvas.Handle, TRANSPARENT). There's probably some method/property in TCanvas that would do the same. 

Posted by mar_je
 - 14 April 2009, 18:16:33
But there's no transparency  :(
Posted by COeXe
 - 14 April 2009, 17:47:19
TImagingBitmap comes with the property "Canvas" (TCanvas).
Like every other Canvas, this provides methods such as TextOut, TextRect and so on.
Posted by mar_je
 - 14 April 2009, 17:36:42

I have one little question. How i can draw text on transparent PNG (using ImgaingLib)? Possible there is no procedure in this libary.  ???
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