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4 December 2024, 23:43:21

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Open Discussion / Re: problem using imaging libr...
Last post by JMishti - 23 June 2024, 19:56:32
Quote from: Zack Green on 14 January 2023, 03:29:56I have just setup imaging library on my RAD STUDIO 10.2 setup, however when trying to use the VCL demo I get errors, Has anybody eles had this problem? if so how did you solve it?

Open Discussion / problem using imaging library
Last post by Zack Green - 14 January 2023, 03:29:56
I have just setup imaging library on my RAD STUDIO 10.2 setup, however when trying to use the VCL demo I get errors, Has anybody eles had this problem? if so how did you solve it?
Help & Questions / Re: Get orientation from EXIF
Last post by Galfar - 13 November 2021, 22:34:15
You cannot get this info from Imaging alone.
You can try something like CCR.EXIF for Delphi or fpexif for FPC/Lazarus.
Help & Questions / Re: TIFF
Last post by Galfar - 13 November 2021, 22:28:59
yes that would be pretty quick change to support loading only single user-specified page from multi-page image.
Some long missing "basic info about image without decoding all the pixels and stuff" would be useful
to first get you the number of pages in a file.
Bugs And Other Insects / Re: ImagingPcx.pas doesn't com...
Last post by Galfar - 13 November 2021, 22:18:34
Hi, you can get the latest code and report issues here: https://github.com/galfar/imaginglib
Help & Questions / Re: Get orientation from EXIF
Last post by akella225 - 6 October 2021, 10:02:00
Help & Questions / Get orientation from EXIF
Last post by akella225 - 5 October 2021, 14:05:33
Please, tell me how to get orientation from EXIF?
Help & Questions / Re: TIFF
Last post by suspended - 29 May 2021, 17:33:29
Hello, Galfar. I like your library for its accessibility in lazarus and ease of use.
However, I have a few suggestions. One of them is:
Is it possible to download multi-page documents (tiff) one page at a time. For example, my tiff files may contain about 180 pages scanned in high resolution. When downloading a file less than 1mb in size, several tens of megabytes of RAM is consumed. Since only 1 is needed for the display..3 pages, I could dynamically load the necessary ones.
Bugs And Other Insects / ImagingPcx.pas doesn't compile
Last post by cathalex - 6 May 2021, 16:57:58
I downloaded imaginglib0264.zip and tried to compile it using BuildLibraryFPC.sh.  Tje const declarations in the function TPCXFileFormat.LoadData, namely:
function TPCXFileFormat.LoadData(Handle: TImagingHandle;
  var Images: TDynImageDataArray; OnlyFirstLevel: Boolean): Boolean;
  ifMono: TImageFormat = TImageFormat(250);
  ifIndex2: TImageFormat = TImageFormat(251);
  ifIndex4: TImageFormat = TImageFormat(252);

generates the error messages:

ImagingPcx.pas(94,26) Warning: range check error while evaluating constants (250 must be between 0 and 225)
ImagingPcx.pas(94,43) Error: range check error while evaluating constants (250 must be between 0 and 225)
ImagingPcx.pas(95,28) Warning: range check error while evaluating constants (251 must be between 0 and 225)
ImagingPcx.pas(95,45) Error: range check error while evaluating constants (251 must be between 0 and 225)
ImagingPcx.pas(96,28) Warning: range check error while evaluating constants (252 must be between 0 and 225)
ImagingPcx.pas(96,45) Error: range check error while evaluating constants (252 must be between 0 and 225)
ImagingPcx.pas(379) Fatal: There were 3 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted

I am using the Free Pascal Compiler (fpc) for x86_64 version 3.2.0 (released 2021/04/29) on Linux.

Is there anywhere to report bugs other than in this forum?
Help & Questions / Vampyre Imaging Library
Last post by ole fisker - 30 April 2021, 09:16:10
I was looking in to the Vampyre Imaging Library can it support the ide off making a scratching game.

if you have two pictures lying on top of each other .and you want to erase some of the picture using freehand drawing

like when making a scratching game. (it is like freehand drawing using Transparency) and any sample to do this
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