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16 February 2025, 20:08:55

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Messages - wchris

Hello there  :)

As I had a workaround I did not comme often here lately.

But now that I have spotted your answer I'll check it out.

Thank you very much  8)
Hello again,

I still have one stupid question. (I say stupid because I have the feeling there's a perfectly logical explanation, but I can't figure out why myself)

in 0.78 this time.

why if I do   Image1.Picture.Graphic.Assign(MainImage); once transparancy works.

but if I do it twice


I loose the transparancy of the main background image ? shouldn't it give the same result ?


If you pass by  ;)
Thank you

PS: the annoying thing is of course that in my own code (the real one, not the alpha example above) I must re-do assign when I dynamically change the image watermark.

EDIT: Ok finally got a workaround like this :

  Image1.Picture.Bitmap := TImagingBitmap.Create;

If there's a better way, please tell me  8)

EDIT : I seemed to work, but i get an AV later in my component when I free & recreate the bitmap. Will have to find another way to keep transparency when re-assigning.

Finally I ended up doing this :

  Image1.Picture := Tpicture.Create;
  Image1.Picture.Bitmap := TImagingBitmap.Create;

Quite sure there's a direct faster way, but can't figure it out.

I have just discovered Vampyre Imaging Library a few weeks ago. Sofar i'm impressed by the work done. Congrats

So I'm a newbie, still learning, and maybe it's not a bug but my fault ? I don't know.

I have prepared a small demo of my code with 4 buttons.

The 2 first button draw an image with alpha transparancy on another image without transparancy and work ok.

The 2 last button attempt to draw the same image with alpha transparancy, but this time on another image WITH alpha transparancy. And I get an "invalid floating point operation".

I use Delphi XE2 Starter, on Windows 7 32bits, and VIL 0.26.4

I have included the required assets in the subdirectories \debug and \release

Cheers  :)

Edit : just found out about 0.78 ... maybe i'll give this version a try  8)

RE-EDIT: works perfectly with latest source code 0.78 !!! Nothing to do !  ;D I can go on, Thank you vervy much !
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