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9 February 2025, 19:32:57

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Topics - Hugie

Hi Galfar,

about a year ago, we detected that the library seems not to be thread safe.

We had 2 threads decoding hundreds of jpegs in a row, which always resulted in unpredictable crashes.
We found some code positions, where global variables were used, which caused the crash.

We fixed it by serializing the decoding calls.

There were some plans in testing the introduction of threadvars for these variables, but since the bug was solved, there was no need from "above" for this anymore ;)
Sadly, i lost the documentation of the code positions which caused this.

In general, are their any plans to make the library thread safe by yourself?
I am asking now, since you seem to have time for this awesome library again ;)

i created a patch to introduce a new option for the Jpeg2000 decompression.
It allows to control wether the decompressed output will be upscaled or not.

This is essential for us (medical image viewer) since we need the data to stay "untouched" and unscaled.

Btw, have you considered moving your repositories to github? I would love to see more delphi libraries there for the community ;)

Thx for your work, the lib is awesome.
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