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16 February 2025, 20:10:06

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Topics - jus

   I'm using the latest vampyre trunk and Lazarus 0.9.31 (FPC 2.4.2) under Mac OSX 10.6 and I have just noticed that DetermineFileFormat,DetermineStreamFormat don't work for TIF files. The result string is empty. It works for JPG, but not for TIF.

It seems that there is not only a with DetermineStreamFormat, but with loading tiff in Max OSX.

Kindly regards,

  I used the function "TIFFGetField" located in Imaging/Extras/Extensions/LibTiff/LibTiffDelphi.pas from vampyre in Delphi to extract the embedded ICC profile (TIFFTAG_ICCPROFILE). Now I'm trying to port the app to Mac OSX with Lazarus and the vampyre lib. As I understand vampyre uses for Lazarus the LCL functions. So how can I read the TIFF-tag?   :-[


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