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16 February 2025, 19:04:28

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Topics - nomas

Long time passed for FPC release  :P

I have some modification for FPC and remove dependency 'windows' unit.
but only for 32bit. If you use in 64bit there is a some modification needed in C source files.
Many of parameters defined longint in C sources.

There is a 'makeobjs-gcc.bat' in archive file, you can recompile object files. I'm using 'mingw' gcc.

It compiled ok in FPC 2.7.1

It's new libtiff 3.9.4 version.

sources & OBJs(compiled with BCC32 5.8.2) are included in archive.

It's libtiff 3.9.1 implementation for imaginglib.

But it's not fully tested.

{$ALIGN 8} option need delphi 6 or higher.

It cause error in delphi 5 or lower.

{$A+} = {$A4} in delphi 5 , {$A+} = {$A8} in delphi 2006(10), {$A-} = {$A1} in both delphi version.

It help you.

I changed LibTiffDelphi with LibTiff 3.8.2 objs except tiff_jpeg and tiff_ojpeg.

LibTiffDelphi is problem with BDS 2006.

In 'LibTiffDelphi.pas'


  _TIFFBuiltinCODECS: array[0..17] of TIFFCodec = (
       (name:'None'; scheme: COMPRESSION_NONE; init: TIFFInitDumpMode),
       (name:'LZW'; scheme: COMPRESSION_LZW; init: TIFFInitLZW),
       (name:'PackBits'; scheme: COMPRESSION_PACKBITS; init: TIFFInitPackBits),
       (name:'ThunderScan'; scheme: COMPRESSION_THUNDERSCAN; init: TIFFInitThunderScan),
       (name:'NeXT'; scheme: COMPRESSION_NEXT; init: TIFFInitNeXT),
       (name:'JPEG'; scheme: COMPRESSION_JPEG; init: TIFFInitJPEG),
       (name:'Old-style JPEG'; scheme: COMPRESSION_OJPEG; init: NotConfigured),
       (name:'CCITT RLE'; scheme: COMPRESSION_CCITTRLE; init: TIFFInitCCITTRLE),
       (name:'CCITT Group 3'; scheme: COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX3; init: TIFFInitCCITTFax3),
       (name:'CCITT Group 4'; scheme: COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX4; init: TIFFInitCCITTFax4),
       (name:'ISO JBIG'; scheme: COMPRESSION_JBIG; init: NotConfigured),
       (name:'Deflate'; scheme: COMPRESSION_DEFLATE; init: TIFFInitZIP),
       (name:'AdobeDeflate'; scheme: COMPRESSION_ADOBE_DEFLATE; init: TIFFInitZIP),
       (name:'PixarLog'; scheme: COMPRESSION_PIXARLOG; init: TIFFInitPixarLog),
       (name:'SGILog'; scheme: COMPRESSION_SGILOG; init: TIFFInitSGILog),
       (name:'SGILog24'; scheme: COMPRESSION_SGILOG24; init: TIFFInitSGILog),
       (name:nil; scheme:0; init:nil));}

is commented, and It works fine.

The problem is that 'init' address value of record is mismatching with obj between delphi implementaion record.

Thanks for reading  ;D
this jpeg file(attchment) is not loaded with lastest svn imaginglib.

pardon me poor English  ;D
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