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8 February 2025, 10:31:40

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Messages - jus

In mac I couldn't directly compile libtiff sources. So install fink in the command line first an then just download the fink libtiff Package und install it in the command line. The fink did the compilation for me. So at the end there is a libtiff.dylib and a libtiff.a file in the directory. Just give us a feedback when this works for you.
As I know so far vampyre can't deal with tif in generally in mac. I think the problems is the lack of compiled binary object files of libtiff, because vampyre used libtiff to read and write tiff files. I'm using Lazarus for Mac and my workaround is just download a fully compiled libtiff.dylib library like from fink and use the libtiff dylib library directly to load tiff files. After the tiff files is loaded you can directly pass the rgb data directly to vampyre for further image processing. In your case you just need to implement the part of the libtiff library functions for saving the tiff file. The only good thing, which functions you need from the libtiff library, is that you can directly look at the sources of vampyre library how vampyre did it in windows. That's maybe a way to go. Just give us a feedback how you have made it.   :)

Quote from: jsj on  8 May 2012, 00:52:21
Just use "-arch i386" parameter to compile tifflib object files

Hi jsj,

  I'm very insterested in using Tifflib. The problem is that I'm not very familiar with compiling c++ files. Could you please provide some more detailed information how to build such a tifflib to use it in vampyre lib? And where/which version did you use to compile? I have tried to load the libtiff source code (http://www.libtiff.org) into xcode, but it didn't worked.  :(

   I'm using the latest vampyre trunk and Lazarus 0.9.31 (FPC 2.4.2) under Mac OSX 10.6 and I have just noticed that DetermineFileFormat,DetermineStreamFormat don't work for TIF files. The result string is empty. It works for JPG, but not for TIF.

It seems that there is not only a with DetermineStreamFormat, but with loading tiff in Max OSX.

Kindly regards,
I have figured out a solution, which is sufficient for me.
First of all I loaded with fink a compiled binary libtiff library, which has the file "libtiff.dylib" included.
Then just load "libiff.dylib" as a external dynamic library into lazarus e.g. like the following code:
pointer(TIFFOpen) := GetProcedureAddress(LibTiffHandle, 'TIFFOpen');
pointer(TIFFGetField) := GetProcedureAddress(LibTiffHandle, 'TIFFGetField');
pointer(TIFFClose) := GetProcedureAddress(LibTiffHandle, 'TIFFClose');

That's it.


  I used the function "TIFFGetField" located in Imaging/Extras/Extensions/LibTiff/LibTiffDelphi.pas from vampyre in Delphi to extract the embedded ICC profile (TIFFTAG_ICCPROFILE). Now I'm trying to port the app to Mac OSX with Lazarus and the vampyre lib. As I understand vampyre uses for Lazarus the LCL functions. So how can I read the TIFF-tag?   :-[


Hi Galfar,

  thank you so much for the prompt reply. I'll try to implement.  :)

Best regards,
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