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Posted by Galfar
 - 13 November 2021, 22:28:59
yes that would be pretty quick change to support loading only single user-specified page from multi-page image.
Some long missing "basic info about image without decoding all the pixels and stuff" would be useful
to first get you the number of pages in a file.
Posted by suspended
 - 29 May 2021, 17:33:29
Hello, Galfar. I like your library for its accessibility in lazarus and ease of use.
However, I have a few suggestions. One of them is:
Is it possible to download multi-page documents (tiff) one page at a time. For example, my tiff files may contain about 180 pages scanned in high resolution. When downloading a file less than 1mb in size, several tens of megabytes of RAM is consumed. Since only 1 is needed for the display..3 pages, I could dynamically load the necessary ones.
Posted by Galfar
 - 12 December 2011, 00:19:55
TIFF tags writer was update long ago,
but it probably won't work in MS Doc Imaging
anyway due to the bug in MS Doc described previously.
Posted by feherbt
 - 21 November 2011, 10:18:29
Dear Galfar,

just i woud like to know,
did you updated the TIFF tags writer code?

Thank you,
Posted by feherbt
 - 11 July 2011, 08:17:30
Quote from: Galfar on  5 July 2011, 18:14:24
which tell the decoder if pixel with value 0 is black or white.
Look's like Imaging does not set the tag for binary images and the decoder programs
assume some default. The default for Irfan and MS Imaging is probably different.
I'll update the TIFF writer to set the tag explicitly.

EDIT: So it looks like there's some bug in MS Office Document Imaging that ignores the
PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK tag. Binary images are always assumed to be PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE.
Other MS programs (Paint, Explorer, ...) handle binary TIFFs saved by Imaging correctly.

Thank your answer,
and waiting your code!

Thank You again!  :)
Posted by Galfar
 -  5 July 2011, 18:14:24
which tell the decoder if pixel with value 0 is black or white.
Look's like Imaging does not set the tag for binary images and the decoder programs
assume some default. The default for Irfan and MS Imaging is probably different.
I'll update the TIFF writer to set the tag explicitly.

EDIT: So it looks like there's some bug in MS Office Document Imaging that ignores the
PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK tag. Binary images are always assumed to be PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE.
Other MS programs (Paint, Explorer, ...) handle binary TIFFs saved by Imaging correctly.
Posted by feherbt
 - 28 June 2011, 11:33:32
One more question (Like Columbo's "one more thing")  :)

I'm using the TIFF 1bpp and it seems ok, but when the file opened with microsoft imaging the result is negative (with IrfanView is ok).

I have no idea!  :-[
Any suggestion?

Quote from: feherbt on  7 September 2010, 17:03:21
I have tested and working correctly!  :)
Many thanks again!
Quote from: Galfar on  6 September 2010, 23:11:22
Ok, TIFF 1bpp support is done and uploaded to SVN.

Posted by feherbt
 -  7 September 2010, 17:03:21
I have tested and working correctly!  :)
Many thanks again!
Quote from: Galfar on  6 September 2010, 23:11:22
Ok, TIFF 1bpp support is done and uploaded to SVN.
Posted by feherbt
 -  7 September 2010, 08:59:01
Thank you for your work.
I try to get in touch with SVN as soon as I can, going to test 1bpp and tell you about it.
Thanks again. :)
Posted by Galfar
 -  6 September 2010, 23:11:22
Ok, TIFF 1bpp support is done and uploaded to SVN.
Posted by Galfar
 -  6 September 2010, 18:24:57
1bpp support was just added to PNG file format handler and  TIFF support is next in the line.
Posted by Galfar
 - 23 August 2010, 23:03:00
1bpp image data format support (convert to/from other formats) is already in the version that's in SVN repository. I don't know when I'll have time to extending it with TIFF 1bpp saving, although it's quite easy.
Posted by feherbt
 - 23 August 2010, 08:37:53
(first of all, sorry for my weak english  :D)
what do you think, how long does it take to upload the new wersion?
I would be grateful to you for it.  :)

Yes I'am interested in 1bpp, because i need to store a lot of multipages scanned documents.

Thank you very much for effort.
Posted by Galfar
 - 20 August 2010, 02:24:25
Hi, support for 1bit images was added to Imaging core only recently and file format handlers were not updated yet. Wait a while please.
Are you interested in any of the 1bpp compression schemes supported by TIFF?
Posted by feherbt
 - 18 August 2010, 15:23:26

I'm using vampyre and I'am content with it.  :D
But, i need to create black and white (1BPP) TIFF (with TTiffFileFormat), but it supported only ifGray8 (min).
How I can save TIFF 1BPP?

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