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Upgrading from 0.22 to 0.26.4

Started by Rodrigo Robles, 13 February 2012, 12:50:03

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Rodrigo Robles

Hi friends,

    I'm using Imaging version 0.22 in a game project, and now I realize that I will need the TImagingCanvas blending. So upgrade Imaging is required.
    The only thing I had to change in the source was the property TSingleImage.ImageData that was renamed to ImageDataPointer. After this the project successfully built.
    For my surprise the program emits a segmentation fault message at start. I tried to debug it, but it happens before the first line of code!
    So... I did anything wrong?


Hi Rodrigo,
could you provide some details about compiler and OS you use for Mundo?
Maybe there could be some problem with code in "initialization" section in Imaging in your OS+compiler combination.

Rodrigo Robles

15 March 2012, 19:11:21 #2 Last Edit: 15 March 2012, 19:13:13 by Rodrigo Robles
After upgrade Lazarus, I can get a stack image:

#0 ?? at :0
#1 ISGLEXTENSIONSUPPORTED(0x818c118 'GL_ARB_texture_compression') at ./Imaging/Extensions/ImagingOpenGL.pas:316
#2 GETGLTEXTURECAPS({MAXTEXTURESIZE = 135828120, NONPOWEROFTWO = true (254), DXTCOMPRESSION = true (217), ATI3DCCOMPRESSION = true (5), LATCCOMPRESSION = true (8), FLOATTEXTURES = true (84), MAXANISOTROPY = 135851124, MAXSIMULTANEOUSTEXTURES = 135828120, CLAMPTOEDGE = true (92), TEXTURELOD = true (244), VERTEXTEXTUREUNITS = 134576832}) at ./Imaging/Extensions/ImagingOpenGL.pas:340
#3 CREATEGLTEXTUREFROMMULTIIMAGE(0xb7f70778, 0, 0, true, 0, IFUNKNOWN, 0x0, 0x0) at ./Imaging/Extensions/ImagingOpenGL.pas:576
#4 CREATEGLTEXTUREFROMIMAGE({WIDTH = 0, HEIGHT = 0, FORMAT = IFUNKNOWN, SIZE = 211550273, BITS = 0xb7f60cdc, PALETTE = 0x0}, 0, 0, false, IFUNKNOWN, 0xbffff408, 0x0) at ./Imaging/Extensions/ImagingOpenGL.pas:540
#5 TTEXTUREIMAGING__LOAD(0xb7f60c28 '../client/data/font/dejavu-mono-white.png', <error reading variable>) at textureimagings.pas:34
#6 TFONTBITMAP__CREATE(0xb7f60c28 '../client/data/font/dejavu-mono-white.png', 0xb7f60c90) at fontbitmaps.pas:57
#7 TFONT__CREATE(0xb7f60c28 '../client/data/font/dejavu-mono-white.png', 0xb7f70790) at fonts.pas:52
#8 TGAME__CREATE(0xbffff408) at /media/dados/rodrigo/temp/mundo_trunk/src/common/games.pas:822
#9 GAMES_init at /media/dados/rodrigo/temp/mundo_trunk/src/common/games.pas:2370
#10 fpc_initializeunits at :0
#11 ?? at :0
#12 __libc_start_main at :0
#13 SI_C21__FPC_LIBC21_START at :0

In 0.22 version I used TSingleImage.ImageData. In 0.26 this property was apparently replaced by ImageDataPointer. This assumption is correct? So I replaced it in my source, that looks like:

procedure TTextureImaging.Load(AFileName: string);
  i: TSingleImage;
  Debug.Msg(dlBegin, 'TTextureImaging.Load("' + AFileName + '")');
  i := nil;
    i := TSingleImage.Create;
    FWidth := i.Width;
    FHeight := i.Height;
    FId := CreateGLTextureFromImage(i.ImageDataPointer^);

The exception is raised in the line: FId := CreateGLTextureFromImage(i.ImageDataPointer^);
Now I'm using Lazarus 0.9.30 and Ubuntu 11.10.

Rodrigo Robles

The solution was simple: The new Imaging  uses dglOpenGL. DglOpenGL requires initialization through InitOpenGL. After adding this initialization the access violation is gone.


You can configure ImagingOpenGL to use "Gl, Glu" instead of "dglOpenGL headers if that's what you are using in Mundo.

Rodrigo Robles

DglOpenGL have more features than the traditional gl headers, right?


dglOpenGL is still being updated so new OpenGL features are in (e.g. OpenGL 3/4),
I'm not sure if "GL, GLext" headers are. 
It doesn't matter if your game targets older hardware (where new OpenGL features are not supported
by HW anyway).


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