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[help] Using the library with lazarus on linux

Started by Alejandro, 21 March 2008, 16:20:20

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Hi!, ive been using Vampyre Imaging Library with delphi7 on windows and
worked perfect. no i want to migrate my project to linux, so i decided
to use lazarus. i cant compile my project when i use the library. i get

"project1.lpr(17,1) Error: Error while linking"

i have set on fpc.cfg the following lines



if i run ./BuildLibraryFPC.sh i get:

Building libVampyreImaging.so using Free Pascal
Warning: You are using the obsolete switch -OG
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.2.0 [2007/08/30] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2007 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Linux for i386
Compiling ../Source/Projects/VampyreImaging.dpr
Compiling /home/alejandro/G_IMAGE_X_1.3_linux/Imaging/Source/ImagingExport.pas
Linking ../Bin/VampyreImaging.so
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lstdc++
Error: Error while linking
Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted
Error: /usr/bin/ppc386 returned an error exitcode (normal if you did not
specify a source file to be compiled)
Error when building library!

i have tried the same configuration (fpc.cfg) on windows with lazarus
and it worked perfect! can you please help me?  i cant make it work and
i want to use this great library



Looks like linker could not find stdc++ library (/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lstdc++).
I have mine in /usr/lib so try to add it to your FPC library search path (-Fl) in fpc.cfg.

This library is used by JPEG 2000 only so if you don't need support for this format you can disable it in ImagingExtras.pas unit.


Thanks man! i have disabled the JPEG 2000 extension and it worked perfect. if i later have to use it ill check it out how to include it, but at least i know where the problem is.

Thanks a lot for the quick response, the library is great! regards from Argentina
see you


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