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Image list corruption in Lazarus

Started by blikblum, 15 April 2008, 01:52:02

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I have installed Imaging 0.24.2 in a recent Lazarus from svn (rev 14810) under Windows.

When i load a bitmap file into a image list using the image list editor the transparency does not work even if i load the project in a machine where vampyre is not installed.

If i comment RegisterTypes in ImagingComponents unit and rebuild Lazarus the transparency works again.

To a test application and more info see the bug report at http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=11150


I'll look into it when I have some time, thanks for letting me know.


is this the same problem i am getting, where lazarus image editor puts unwanted black backgrounds on all my images?  good job someone is on the case.


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