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Problem when compiling with FPC2.2

Started by arthurprs, 7 October 2007, 01:28:49

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Warning: You are using the obsolete switch -OG
Warning: You are using the obsolete switch -Op<nr>, please use -Op<name>
Hint: End of reading config file C:\FPC\2.2.0\bin\i386-win32\fp.cfg
ImagingOptions.inc(107,4) Warning: Unsupported switch "$L"
ImagingOptions.inc(107,4) Warning: Unsupported switch "$L"
ImagingOptions.inc(107,4) Warning: Unsupported switch "$L"
ImagingOptions.inc(107,4) Warning: Unsupported switch "$L"
ImagingOptions.inc(107,4) Warning: Unsupported switch "$L"
ImagingUtility.pas(44,16) Hint: Type "TByteArray" redefinition
ImagingUtility.pas(45,16) Hint: Type "PByteArray" redefinition
ImagingUtility.pas(46,16) Hint: Type "TWordArray" redefinition
ImagingUtility.pas(47,16) Hint: Type "PWordArray" redefinition
ImagingUtility.pas(334,3) Hint: Local variable "Time" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingUtility.pas(1403,22) Hint: use DIV instead to get an integer result
ImagingUtility.pas(1423,43) Hint: use DIV instead to get an integer result
ImagingUtility.pas(1429,43) Hint: use DIV instead to get an integer result
ImagingUtility.pas(1511,3) Hint: Variable "PerfFrequency" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingOptions.inc(107,4) Warning: Unsupported switch "$L"
ImagingFormats.pas(902,18) Warning: Function result variable does not seem to initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(897,49) Hint: Parameter "Color" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(1259,3) Hint: Local variable "Info" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(86,48) Hint: Parameter "WrapEdges" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(1502,23) Hint: use DIV instead to get an integer result
ImagingFormats.pas(1504,29) Hint: use DIV instead to get an integer result
ImagingFormats.pas(1638,3) Hint: Local variable "Info" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(1658,5) Hint: Local variable "XMaximum" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(1658,5) Hint: Local variable "XMinimum" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(1602,3) Note: Local variable "Channel8BitMax" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(1615,3) Note: Local variable "ChannelValueMax" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(1615,20) Note: Local variable "InvChannelValueMax" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(1826,3) Hint: Local variable "Info" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(1829,5) Hint: Local variable "CompatibleCopy" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(135,3) Hint: Parameter "WidthBytes" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(2253,9) Hint: Local variable "B" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2253,9) Hint: Local variable "G" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2253,9) Hint: Local variable "R" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2253,9) Hint: Local variable "A" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2428,5) Hint: Local variable "PixHF" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2508,5) Hint: Local variable "PixF" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2516,5) Hint: Local variable "Alpha" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2516,5) Hint: Local variable "Pix64" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2524,5) Hint: Local variable "Index" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2596,5) Hint: Local variable "Alpha" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2596,5) Hint: Local variable "Pix64" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2604,5) Hint: Local variable "Index" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2692,7) Hint: Local variable "Pix64" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2719,7) Hint: Local variable "Pix64" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2743,5) Hint: Local variable "Pix64" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2788,9) Hint: Local variable "Alpha" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2788,9) Hint: Local variable "Gray" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2818,7) Hint: Local variable "Alpha" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2818,7) Hint: Local variable "Pix64" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2843,5) Hint: Local variable "Alpha" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2843,5) Hint: Local variable "Gray" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2885,7) Hint: Local variable "Alpha" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2885,7) Hint: Local variable "Gray" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2902,5) Hint: Local variable "PixF" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2918,5) Hint: Local variable "PixF" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(2943,5) Hint: Local variable "PixF" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(3011,7) Hint: Local variable "Idx" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(3052,7) Hint: Local variable "Idx" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(3074,5) Hint: Local variable "Idx" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(3310,10) Hint: Parameter "Height" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(3511,7) Hint: Local variable "Pixels" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(3519,7) Hint: Local variable "Block" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(3540,7) Hint: Local variable "Pixels" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(3544,7) Hint: Local variable "Block" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(3564,7) Hint: Local variable "Pixels" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(3565,7) Hint: Local variable "Block" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(3568,7) Hint: Local variable "AlphaBlock" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(3598,7) Hint: Local variable "Block" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(3669,12) Hint: Parameter "DstInfo" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(3680,3) Hint: Parameter "SrcInfo" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(3699,5) Hint: Local variable "WorkImage" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingFormats.pas(296,30) Hint: Parameter "Format" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(296,56) Hint: Parameter "Width" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(296,63) Hint: Parameter "Height" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(301,30) Hint: Parameter "Format" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(307,46) Hint: Parameter "Info" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(307,70) Hint: Parameter "Palette" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(308,47) Hint: Parameter "Info" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(308,71) Hint: Parameter "Palette" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(309,46) Hint: Parameter "Info" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(309,70) Hint: Parameter "Palette" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(310,47) Hint: Parameter "Info" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(310,71) Hint: Parameter "Palette" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(312,71) Hint: Parameter "Palette" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(313,72) Hint: Parameter "Palette" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(314,71) Hint: Parameter "Palette" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(315,72) Hint: Parameter "Palette" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(317,67) Hint: Parameter "Palette" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(318,68) Hint: Parameter "Palette" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(943,3) Note: Local variable "BoxesCreated" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(2043,3) Note: Local variable "HalfMin" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(2044,3) Note: Local variable "HalfMinNorm" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(2045,3) Note: Local variable "HalfMax" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(2046,3) Note: Local variable "HalfEpsilon" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(2047,3) Note: Local variable "HalfNaN" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(2048,3) Note: Local variable "HalfPosInf" not used
ImagingFormats.pas(2049,3) Note: Local variable "HalfNegInf" not used
ImagingOptions.inc(107,4) Warning: Unsupported switch "$L"
ImagingIO.pas(400,23) Hint: Parameter "Handle" not used
ImagingIO.pas(444,23) Hint: Parameter "Handle" not used
ImagingBitmap.pas(190,9) Hint: Local variable "LineBuffer" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingBitmap.pas(221,5) Hint: Local variable "RLESrc" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingBitmap.pas(318,5) Hint: Local variable "RLESrc" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingBitmap.pas(394,5) Hint: Local variable "BI" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingBitmap.pas(465,9) Hint: Local variable "PalRGB" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingBitmap.pas(48,7) Hint: Parameter "OnlyFirstLevel" not used
ImagingBitmap.pas(655,62) Hint: Local variable "ImageToSave" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingBitmap.pas(660,5) Hint: Local variable "BF" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingBitmap.pas(661,5) Hint: Local variable "BI" does not seem to be initialized
ImagingOptions.inc(107,4) Warning: Unsupported switch "$L"
imjmorecfg.pas(52,12) Hint: Type "size_t" redefinition
imjcomapi.pas(14,13) Hint: Unit "imjinclude" not used in imjcomapi
imjdapimin.pas(3,2) Warning: Unsupported switch "$N"
imjerror.pas(302,45) Hint: Local variable "buffer" does not seem to be initialized
imjutils.pas(16,13) Hint: Unit "imjinclude" not used in imjutils
imjmemnobs.pas(136,3) Hint: Local variable "p" does not seem to be initialized
imjmemnobs.pas(66,26) Hint: Parameter "cinfo" not used
imjmemnobs.pas(71,28) Hint: Parameter "cinfo" not used
imjmemnobs.pas(164,3) Hint: Local variable "p" does not seem to be initialized
imjmemnobs.pas(87,26) Hint: Parameter "cinfo" not used
imjmemnobs.pas(91,28) Hint: Parameter "cinfo" not used
imjmemnobs.pas(102,30) Hint: Parameter "cinfo" not used
imjmemnobs.pas(103,30) Hint: Parameter "min_bytes_needed" not used
imjmemnobs.pas(105,30) Hint: Parameter "already_allocated" not used
imjmemnobs.pas(40,36) Hint: Parameter "info" not used
imjmemnobs.pas(41,36) Hint: Parameter "total_bytes_needed" not used
imjmemnobs.pas(47,25) Hint: Parameter "cinfo" not used
imjmemnobs.pas(50,26) Hint: Parameter "cinfo" not used
imjmemmgr.pas(273,13) Hint: Type "byteptr" redefinition
imjmemmgr.pas(1207,5) Warning: unreachable code
imjmemmgr.pas(29,14) Hint: Unit "imjinclude" not used in imjmemmgr
imjmemmgr.pas(325,2) Error: Asm: [push imm8] invalid combination of opcode and operands
imjmemmgr.pas(1280,1) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
imjmemmgr.pas(0) Fatal: Compilation aborted

Whats the problem?  ???


I tried compiling Imaging with FPC 2.2 and it worked.
Imaging probably doesn't like compiler switches you are using.
Could you post them here?


I don't know, im compiling using the FP IDE -> inline and goto enabled; delphi mode; intel asm;


Quick fix:
Set Target Processor (Options/Compiler/Processor in FP IDE) to at least Pentium MMX
and rebuild. It works for me with this seeting.



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