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Next update info: 0.80

Started by Galfar, 25 December 2009, 03:25:10

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25 December 2009, 03:25:10 Last Edit: 13 September 2012, 23:05:06 by Galfar
Planned features for next release:

  • Metadata - simple way to load and save information about images other than just width-height-format. Currently reads/writes print resolution of JPEG, PNG, and TIFF images, frame delays of APNG/GIF animations. Raw XMP/EXIF/IPTC metadata support for some file formats.

  • JPEG 2000 support improvements - from new version of JPEG 2000 for Pascal.

  • Maybe some file mapping support for very large images (nothing in core though, just some hacky extension for now).

  • Progress callback in few places.

  • Direct3D 11 texture support

  • Graphics32 interfacing unit

  • Some support for binary (1bit) images. Support in file formats: PNG, TIFF, BMP.

  • Image error metrics (psnr, rmse, ...)

  • Default clear color (for new images, rotations, etc.)

  • RAW (WxHxBpp) image bits loader/saver

  • Delphi XE2 support for new targets/frameworks: Win64, Mac OS X, FireMonkey bitmap conversions

  • Delphi XE3, Lazarus 1.0, FPC 2.6 support

  • RGBE/HDR file format

  • ..

Green items are done already.

I'm currently using Imaging in one bigger project and I need it to do some things it wasn't originally designed for (which was texture loading/saving for games) - implementation probably won't be very nice (metadata, progress, file mapping, 1bit stuff).


Hello there,

I love this library!!! :) Thank you for your hard work! Do you have any projections/time estimates of the next release?

Thank you in advance!


13 April 2011, 14:19:26 #2 Last Edit: 28 July 2011, 22:21:02 by Galfar
Hi, I'm currently swamped with work so the new release will have to wait a little bit longer. Not sure how long exactly, but you can get most of the planned features in SVN repository today.

EDIT July: Finally some time for non-work projects, so I'll continue working on some 0.80 features.


I too love this library, it's is some beautiful work. Hope you find some time to keep it alive!!!
Love your work.



Hi Galfar.

Do you continue development of your library? Or is it in a frozen state?:)


1 September 2011, 19:13:24 #7 Last Edit: 1 September 2011, 19:19:20 by Galfar
Hi, yes it's still updated, but the progress is slower than it used to be.
Right now I'm making compatibility changes in Imaging for new Delphi (to target Win64 and MacOSX  ;))


Great mate!

Thank you very mich for your support :-)


This is by far the BEST imaging component for Delphi I've ever seen. Keep going, one day, Embarcadero will incorporate it within Delphi, and then you will be rewarded for your hard and excellent work.


Hello Galfar.
I thing you should release the current subversion as a new version and then release the rest in the next version.
Imaging is GREAT and it could really use a new release.


Hi, that's what I'm planning now. Stay tuned just a little bit longer please :)


New release 0.78 just needs two more bug fixes to be finished and it will be ready
for final testing. There's also quite a lot of documentation to be updated.


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