TMultiImage Class Members
Adds new image at the end of the image array. 
Adds existing image array ((all images of a multi image)) at the end of the image array. 
Assigns multi image from another multi image or single image. 
Converts all images to another image data format. 
This is Create, a member of class TMultiImage. 
This is CreateFromArray, a member of class TMultiImage. 
This is CreateFromFile, a member of class TMultiImage. 
This is CreateFromParams, a member of class TMultiImage. 
This is CreateFromStream, a member of class TMultiImage. 
Deletes image at the given position in the image array. 
This is Destroy, a member of class TMultiImage. 
Exchanges two images at the given positions in the image array. 
Inserts new image image at the given position in the image array. 
Inserts existing image at the given position in the image array. 
Overloaded loading method that will add new image to multiimage if image array is empty bero loading. 
Overloaded loading method that will add new image to multiimage if image array is empty bero loading. 
Loads whole multi image from file. 
Loads whole multi image from stream. 
Resizes all images. 
Rearranges images so that the first image will become last and vice versa. 
Saves whole multi image to file. 
Saves whole multi image to stream. 
TBaseImage Class
Copies rectangular part of SrcImage to DstImage. 
This is Create, a member of class TBaseImage. 
This is CreateFromImage, a member of class TBaseImage. 
This is Destroy, a member of class TBaseImage. 
Flips current image. 
Loads current image data from file. 
Loads current image data from stream. 
Mirrors current image. 
Creates a new image data with the given size and format. 
Replaces pixels with OldPixel in the given rectangle by NewPixel. 
Resizes current image with optional resampling. 
Rotates image by Angle degrees counterclockwise. 
Saves current image data to file. 
Saves current image data to stream. 
Stretches the contents of the source rectangle to the destination rectangle with optional resampling. 
Swaps SrcChannel and DstChannel color or alpha channels of image. 
Returns info about current image. 
Indicates active image of this multi image. 
This value is True if all images of this TMultiImage are valid. 
This gives complete access to underlying TDynImageDataArray
Number of images of this multi image. 
Array property for accessing individual images of TMultiImage. 
TBaseImage Class
Pointer to memory containing image bits. 
Specifies the bounding rectangle of the image. 
Image data format of current image. 
Extended image format information. 
Height of current image in pixels. 
This gives complete access to underlying TImageData record. 
This event occurs when the image data size has just changed. 
This event occurs when some pixels of the image have just changed. 
Pointer to palette for indexed format images. 
Number of entries in image's palette 
Returns pointer to image pixel at [X, Y] coordinates. 
Provides indexed access to each line of pixels. 
Size in bytes of current image's data. 
Indicates whether the current image is valid (proper format, allowed dimensions, right size, ...). 
Width of current image in pixels. 
read only 
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