TImagingDDS Class Members
This is Create, a member of class TImagingDDS. 
Returns TImageFileFormat descendant for this graphic class. 
Saves the current image to the stream. 
TImagingGraphicForSave Class
This is Create, a member of class TImagingGraphicForSave. 
Returns file extensions of this graphic class. 
Returns TImageFileFormat descendant for this graphic class. 
Returns default MIME type of this graphic class. 
Saves the current image to the stream. 
TImagingGraphic Class
Copies the image contained in Source to this graphic object. 
Copies the image contained in TBaseImage to this graphic object. 
Copies the image contained in TImageData structure to this graphic object. 
Copies the current image to TBaseImage object. 
Copies the current image to TImageData structure. 
This is Create, a member of class TImagingGraphic. 
Loads new image from the stream. 
You can choose compression type used when saving DDS file. 
TImagingGraphicForSave Class
Default (the most common) file extension of this graphic class. 
read only 
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