TBSIFileFormat Class Methods
This is Create, a member of class TBSIFileFormat. 
Returns True if data located in source identified by Handle represent valid image in current format. 
TElderFileFormat Class
This is Create, a member of class TElderFileFormat. 
This is Destroy, a member of class TElderFileFormat. 
Returns True if data located in source identified by Handle represent valid image in current format. 
TImageFileFormat Class
This is Create, a member of class TImageFileFormat. 
This is Destroy, a member of class TImageFileFormat. 
Descendants use this method to check if their options (registered with constant Ids for SetOption/GetOption interface or accessible as properties of descendants) have valid values and make necessary changes. 
Loads images from file source. 
Loads images from memory source. 
Loads images from stream source. 
Makes Image compatible with this file format (that means it is in one of data formats in Supported formats set). 
Saves images to file. 
Saves images to memory. 
Saves images to stream. 
Resturns True if the given FileName matches filter for this file format. 
Returns True if data located in source identified by Handle represent valid image in current format. 
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