TFastARGB32Canvas Class Members
This is Destroy, a member of class TFastARGB32Canvas. 
Draws contents of this canvas onto another one with typical alpha blending (Src 'over' Dest, factors are bfSrcAlpha and bfOneMinusSrcAlpha.) 
Returns all formats supported by this canvas class. 
Inverts colors of all image pixels, makes negative image. 
Draws contents of this canvas onto another one with typical alpha blending (Src 'over' Dest, factors are bfSrcAlpha and bfOneMinusSrcAlpha.) 
Call this method when you change size or format of image this canvas operates on (like calling ResizeImage, ConvertImage, or changing Format property of TBaseImage descendants). 
TImagingCanvas Class
Adjusts the color levels of the image by scaling the colors falling between specified white and black points to full [0, 1] range. 
Computes 2D convolution of canvas' image and given filter kernel. 
Convolves canvas' image with given 3x3 filter kernel. 
Convolves canvas' image with given 5x5 filter kernel. 
Applies max non-linear filter with user defined pixel neighborhood. 
Applies median non-linear filter with user defined pixel neighborhood. 
Applies min non-linear filter with user defined pixel neighborhood. 
Applies custom non-linear filter. 
Clears entire canvas with current fill color (ignores clipping rectangle and always uses fmSolid fill mode). 
This is CreateForData, a member of class TImagingCanvas. 
This is CreateForImage, a member of class TImagingCanvas. 
This is Destroy, a member of class TImagingCanvas. 
Draws contents of this canvas onto another one using additive blending (source and dest factors are bfOne). 
Draws contents of this canvas onto another one with typical alpha blending (Src 'over' Dest, factors are bfSrcAlpha and bfOneMinusSrcAlpha.) 
Draws contents of this canvas onto another canvas with pixel blending. 
Draws ellipse which is outlined by using the current pen settings and filled by using the current fill settings. 
Fills image channel with given value leaving other channels intact. 
Fills image channel with given value leaving other channels intact. 
Fills given rectangle with current fill settings. 
Fills given rectangle with current fill settings and pixel blending. 
Fills area of canvas with current fill color starting at point [X, Y] and coloring its neighbors. 
Draws a rectangle using current pen settings. 
Gamma correction of individual color channels. 
Calculates image histogram for each channel and also gray values. 
Returns all formats supported by this canvas class. 
Draws horizontal line with current pen settings. 
Inverts colors of all image pixels, makes negative image. 
Draws line from [X1, Y1] to [X2, Y2] with current pen settings. 
Modifies image contrast and brightness. 
Transforms pixels one by one by given function. 
Premultiplies color channel values by alpha. 
Draws rectangle which is outlined by using the current pen settings and filled by using the current fill settings. 
Resets clipping rectangle to Rect(0, 0, ImageWidth, ImageHeight). 
Draws contents of this canvas onto another one using additive blending (source and dest factors are bfOne). 
Draws contents of this canvas onto another one with typical alpha blending (Src 'over' Dest, factors are bfSrcAlpha and bfOneMinusSrcAlpha.) 
Draws stretched and filtered contents of this canvas onto another canvas with pixel blending. 
Simple single level thresholding with threshold level (in range [0, 1]) for each color channel. 
Reverses PremultiplyAlpha operation. 
Call this method when you change size or format of image this canvas operates on (like calling ResizeImage, ConvertImage, or changing Format property of TBaseImage descendants). 
Draws vertical line with current pen settings. 
This is Scanlines, a member of class TFastARGB32Canvas. 
TImagingCanvas Class
Clipping rectangle of this canvas. 
Color used for filling when drawing various objects. 
Color used for filling when drawing various objects. 
Fill mode used when drawing filled objects on canvas. 
Extended format information. 
Color used when drawing lines, frames, and outlines of objects. 
Color used when drawing lines, frames, and outlines of objects. 
Pen mode used when drawing lines, object outlines, and similar on canvas. 
Width with which objects like lines, frames, etc. 
Specifies the current color of the pixels of canvas. 
Specifies the current color of the pixels of canvas. 
Indicates that this canvas is in valid state. 
read only 
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