TBaseImage Class Methods
Copies rectangular part of SrcImage to DstImage. 
This is Create, a member of class TBaseImage. 
This is CreateFromImage, a member of class TBaseImage. 
This is Destroy, a member of class TBaseImage. 
Flips current image. 
Loads current image data from file. 
Loads current image data from stream. 
Mirrors current image. 
Creates a new image data with the given size and format. 
Replaces pixels with OldPixel in the given rectangle by NewPixel. 
Resizes current image with optional resampling. 
Rotates image by Angle degrees counterclockwise. 
Saves current image data to file. 
Saves current image data to stream. 
Stretches the contents of the source rectangle to the destination rectangle with optional resampling. 
Swaps SrcChannel and DstChannel color or alpha channels of image. 
Returns info about current image. 
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