Imaging.pas Functions
Creates identical copy of image data. 
Converts image to the given format. 
Copies Count palette entries from SrcPal starting at index SrcIdx to DstPal at index DstPal. 
Copies rectangular part of SrcImage to DstImage. 
Checks given file for every supported image file format and if the file is in one of them returns its string identifier (which can be used in LoadFromStream/LoadFromMem type functions). 
Checks given memory for every supported image file format and if the memory is in one of them returns its string identifier (which can be used in LoadFromStream/LoadFromMem type functions). 
Checks given stream for every supported image file format and if the stream is in one of them returns its string identifier (which can be used in LoadFromStream/LoadFromMem type functions). 
Enumerates all registered image file formats. 
Creates palette with given bitcount for each channel. 
Creates grayscale palette where each color channel has the same value. 
Fills given rectangle of image with given pixel fill data. 
Returns index of color in palette or index of nearest color if exact match is not found. 
Returns image format loader/saver based on its class or nil if not found or not registered. 
Returns image format loader/saver according to given extension or nil if not found. 
Returns image format loader/saver according to given filename or nil if not found. 
Flips given image. 
Frees given image data. 
Call FreeImage() on all images in given dynamic array and sets its length to zero. 
Frees given palette. 
Generates mipmaps for image. 
Returns image file format loader/saver at given index. 
Returns number of registered image file format loaders/saver. 
Returns filter index of image file format of file specified by FileName. 
Returns file extension (without dot) of image format selected by given filter index. 
Returns symbolic name of given format. 
Returns filter string for usage with open and save picture dialogs which contains all registered image file formats. 
Returns short information about given image format. 
Returns current IO functions. 
Returns value of integer option specified by OptionId parameter. 
Function for getting pixel colors. 
Copies pixel of Image at [X, Y] to memory pointed at by Pixel. 
Function for getting pixel colors. 
Returns size in bytes of Width x Height area of pixels. 
Returns Imaging version string in format 'Major.Minor.Patch'. 
If Condition is True then TruePart is retured, otherwise FalsePart is returned. 
Returns string with information about given Image. 
Initializes image (all is set to zeroes). 
Checks that an apropriate file format is supported purely from inspecting the given file name's extension (not contents of the file itself). 
Loads single image from given file. 
Loads single image from given memory location. 
Loads single image from given stream. 
Loads multiple images from given file. 
Loads multiple images from given memory location. 
Loads multiple images from given stream. 
Creates palette with MaxColors based on the colors of images in Images array. 
Maps image to existing palette producing image in ifIndex8 format. 
Mirrors given image. 
Creates empty image of given dimensions and format. 
Allocates new palette with Entries ARGB color entries. 
Pops back values of all options from the top of the stack. 
Pushes current values of all options on the stack. 
Raises EImagingError with given message. 
Reduces the number of colors of the Image. 
Registers new image loader/saver so it can be used by LoadFrom/SaveTo functions. 
Registers new option so it can be used by SetOption and GetOption functions. 
Replaces pixels with OldPixel in the given rectangle by NewPixel. 
Sets file IO functions to Imaging default. 
Resizes given image to new dimensions. 
Rotates image by Angle degrees counterclockwise. 
Saves single image to given file. 
Saves single image to given memory location. 
Saves single image to given stream. 
Saves multiple images to given file. 
Saves multiple images to given memory location. 
Saves multiple images to given stream. 
Sets value of integer option specified by OptionId parameter. 
Procedure for setting pixel colors. 
Copies pixel from memory pointed at by Pixel to Image at position [X, Y]. 
Procedure for setting pixel colors. 
User can set his own file IO functions used when loading from/saving to files by this function. 
Splits image into XChunks x YChunks subimages. 
Stretches the contents of the source rectangle to the destination rectangle with optional resampling. 
Swaps SrcChannel and DstChannel color or alpha channels of image. 
Swaps SrcChannel and DstChannel color or alpha channels of palette. 
Returns True if given TImageData record is valid. 
Returns True if all TImageData records in given array are valid. 
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