ImagingTypes.pas Types
This is type PColor24Rec. 
This is type PColor24RecArray. 
This is type PColor32. 
This is type PColor32Rec. 
This is type PColor32RecArray. 
This is type PColor48Rec. 
This is type PColor48RecArray. 
This is type PColor64. 
This is type PColor64Rec. 
This is type PColor64RecArray. 
This is type PColorFPRec. 
This is type PColorFPRecArray. 
This is type PColorHFRec. 
This is type PColorHFRecArray. 
This is type PHalfFloat. 
This is type PImageData. 
This is type PImageDataList. 
This is type PImageFormatInfo. 
This is type PPalette24. 
This is type PPalette32. 
This is type PPixelFormatInfo. 
This is type TCloseProc. 
This is type TColor24RecArray. 
Color value for 32 bit images. 
This is type TColor32RecArray. 
This is type TColor48RecArray. 
Color value for 64 bit images. 
This is type TColor64RecArray. 
This is type TColorFPRecArray. 
This is type TColorHFRecArray. 
This is type TEofProc. 
Look at TImageFormatInfo.GetPixelsSize for details. 
Look at TImageFormatInfo.CheckDimensions for details. 
Function for getting pixel colors. 
Function for getting pixel colors. 
16 bit floating-point value. 
Handle to list of image data records. 
Handle to input/output. 
IO functions used for reading and writing images from/to input/output. 
This is type TOpenWriteProc. 
Palette for indexd mode images with 24 bit colors. 
This is type TPalette24Size256. 
Palette for indexed mode images with 32 bit colors. 
This is type TPalette32Size256. 
This is type TReadProc. 
This is type TSeekProc. 
Procedure for setting pixel colors. 
Procedure for setting pixel colors. 
This is type TTellProc. 
This is type TWriteProc. 
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