This is constant ChannelAlpha. | |
Indices that can be used to access channel values in array parts of structures like TColor32Rec. | |
This is constant ChannelGreen. | |
This is constant ChannelRed. | |
Specifies whether Windows Bitmaps are saved using RLE compression (only for 1/4/8 bit images), can be 0 or 1. | |
This option is used when reducing number of colors used in image (mainly when converting from ARGB image to indexed format). | |
Value of this option is non-zero if last loaded DDS file was cube map. | |
Value of this option is depth (slices of volume texture or faces of cube map) of last loaded DDS image. | |
Value of this option is number of mipmap levels of last loaded DDS image. | |
Value of this option is non-zero if last loaded DDS file was volume texture. | |
If it is non-zero next saved DDS file should be stored as cube map. | |
Sets the depth (slices of volume texture or faces of cube map) of the next saved DDS file. | |
Sets the number of mipmaps which should be stored in the next saved DDS file. | |
If it is non-zero next saved DDS file should be stored as volume texture. | |
Boolean option that specifies whether GIF images with more frames are animated by Imaging (according to frame disposal methods) or just raw frames are loaded and sent to user (if you want to animate GIF yourself). | |
Sets ZLib compression level used when saving lossless alpha channels. | |
Sets precompression filter used when saving lossless alpha channels. | |
Specifies whether alpha channels of JNG images are lossy compressed. | |
Specifies whether JNG images are saved in progressive format. | |
Defines compression quality used when saving JNG images (and lossy alpha channels). | |
Specifies whether Jpeg images are saved in progressive format, can be 0 or 1. | |
Defines Jpeg compression quality, ranges from 1 (ugly/small) to 100 (nice/large). | |
This option can be used to override image data format during image loading. | |
Specifies resampling filter used when generating mipmaps. | |
Sets ZLib compression level used when saving MNG frames as PNG images. | |
Defines whether alpha channel of lossy compressed MNG frames (when ImagingMNGLossyCompression is 1) is lossy compressed too. | |
Specifies whether MNG animation frames are saved with lossy or lossless compression. | |
Sets precompression filter used when saving MNG frames as PNG images. | |
Specifies whether images are saved in progressive format when saving MNG frames as JNG images. | |
Specifies compression quality used when saving MNG frames as JNG images. | |
Specifies whether PGM files are stored in text or in binary format. | |
Sets ZLib compression level used when saving PNG images. | |
Boolean option that specifies whether PNG images with more frames (APNG format) are animated by Imaging (according to frame disposal/blend methods) or just raw frames are loaded and sent to user (if you want to animate APNG yourself). | |
Sets precompression filter used when saving PNG images. | |
Specifies whether PPM files are stored in text or in binary format. | |
This option can be used to override image data format during image saving. | |
Specifies whether Targa images are saved using RLE compression, can be 0 or 1. | |
Current Major version of Imaging. | |
Current Minor version of Imaging. | |
Current patch of Imaging. | |
Returned by GetOption if given Option Id is invalid. |