ImagingComponents.pas Functions
Converts VCL/CLX/LCL bitmap to TImageData structure. 
Converts VCL/CLX/LCL bitmap to TBaseImage
Converts TImageData structure to VCL/CLX/LCL bitmap. 
Converts TBaseImage instance to VCL/CLX/LCL bitmap. 
Returns bitmap pixel format with the closest match with given data format. 
Displays image onto TCanvas at position [DstX, DstY]. 
Displays image onto TCanvas to rectangle DstRect. 
Displays part of the image specified by SrcRect onto TCanvas to rectangle DstRect. 
Displays image stored in TImageData structure onto TCanvas. 
Displays image stored in TImageData structure onto Windows device context. 
Returns data format with closest match with given bitmap pixel format. 
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